Eclaser Under-Plaster Floor Cassettes

Eclaser Under-Plaster Floor Cassettes

Category: BUTTON
EC – customizable under-plaster floor cassettes. Provides a sleek appearance on the 2mm thick flat stainless steel wall surface. All electronic components are safely and neatly stored inside the mounting box in the interior. In the design of EC, first-class quality QUAD buttons are used with 7 Segment & LED matrix or LCD displays. Its user-friendly structure can be used in various elevator applications.
  • Stainless steel surface with a thickness of 2 mm
  • First-class quality QUAD buttons
  • Embossed symbols for the visually impaired
  • Options for LCD, 7 Segment, or LED matrix display
  • Various surface color options are available
  • Can be produced in different dimensions as requested.