Mikronik SX Classic

Mikronik SX Classic

Category: MIK-EL
Control System for Traction and Hydraulic Elevators
  • Rope: 16 / 9 stops, Hydraulic: 12/ 7 stops (single button / double button)
  • 1.6 m/s speed
  • 2-group control (duplex)
  • Serial communication via CanBus with revision box
  • Parallel connection to floor pushbuttons
  • Early door opening, level correction with open door (with addition of DBA3 card)
  • Auxiliary functions to facilitate commissioning
  • Option for more stops at the top or bottom of the group control
  • Precise well duplication with motor encoder (with addition of ISC card)
  • Ability to work with automatic door on one floor and manual door on other floors
  • Fire evacuation (EN 81-73)
  • Evacuation in earthquake (EN 81-77)